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Trish Marks Trish Marks

Leading Your Thoughts to Shape Your Ideal Life

In embracing this process, you're taking a step towards understanding yourself on a deeper level. By unravelling those threads of your hidden beliefs, you will pave the way for personal growth while crafting a life that aligns with your genuine aspirations, Just as a sculptor shapes clay into a masterpiece,— you have the power to shape a brighter future.

Learning to lead your thoughts and build a life that truly matches who you are and what you want."

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Trish Marks Trish Marks

Mastering your Positive Habits

Despite what many people believe, the connection between our mind and brain runs deeper than we might think, new research shows that they are connected. Our brain and mind are like best friends, working closely together to influence how we think, feel, and act.

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Trish Marks Trish Marks

Why the stories in your head matter

Have you ever experienced a moment when a sudden realization shattered a deeply rooted belief you held, resulting in a complete shift in perspective regarding something or someone?

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