Guest Podcast

Suspended Animation: playing with perspective Darren Saul
Stop Self-Sabotage! I chat with Trish Marks - the founder of Marks Consultancy - about how what we tell ourselves is SO crucial to success! We dive into confidence, fear, guilt, self-awareness and Trish leaves us with 3 absolute GOLDEN tips to implement straight away to reach our full potential!

ANT'S talk podcast
Trish Marks was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in the height of the troubles. In her early 20’s she decided to move to Australia.
She has overcome Cancer and works with others to follow their own dreams. Tune in to hear more of her story.

The Business Mastermind Podcast with Gavin Preston
Gavin is joined by Trish Marks, the founder of Marks Consultancy, who discusses the best ways to overcome self-sabotage, and how her own thinking was standing in the way of her brave recovery from cancer.

Jaemin Frazer The Insecurity Podcast
Trish shares deeply from her own experiences in a way that is incredibly relatable. I’m sure you’ll find our conversation useful.

Join Up Dots ..Beating Self Sabotage David Ralph
Trish Marks is today's guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business coaching podcast. She is a business coach who specializes in Stopping Self Sabotage, she helps leaders identify the skills around improving performances by changing the way they approach challenges and problems.

Unfettered with ADEBAYO ADELEKE
When Trish was diagnosed with cancer, she went from suppressing her fear to shutting down completely. Worry, doubt and uncertainty got the best of her. How then did she go from that to coaching leaders in homes and the corporate world on how to stop sabotaging themselves, facing fear and making better decisions? This is the crux of the discussion on this episode of the Unfettered Podcast.