Download The E-Book “Overcoming Self Doubt” to stop questioning yourself and start taking action NOW!
So many times have I found myself talking with friends & colleagues who find themselves feeling a little stuck and experiencing self-doubt to the point where they find themselves questioning their decisions, second guessing how they are showing up in business and their overall effectiveness. Now these are women in business and life that are focused and have clear positive visions of who they what they want to achieve.
At some point in our lives we’ve all been there, we lose sight of ourselves and start to question our abilities, that inner critic becomes louder and we start to hear things like “am I good enough”, what will people think of me or what is i get this wrong, i know i have been there and I’m sure you can all relate.. .. but the thing is uncertainties often come up from time to time, and that’s perfectly normal. A certain level of self-doubt is good, because it helps you recognise what you may need to improve on in order to be better, however if self-doubt is consistent and you feel like it’s running your life then that’s going to have a big impact on you’re self confidence both personally and professionally.
Here’s the thing our brain plays tricks on us all the time, and likes to keep us safe .. so when you finds yourself doing something new or stepping outside your comfort zone a wave of self-doubt often comes to warn us and the more you choose that path of self doubt the stronger that pattern will become.. So now is you’re time to stop selling yourself short, you are here to live the fullest life you are capable of living. Let’s make it HAPPEN.
3 Ways your self-Doubt can trick you into thinking you’re not enough…
It’s easy to believe that you’re the only one struggling with uncertainty when you look around you and all you see is people looking like they have it all together on the outside, The truth is, all successful people experience self-doubt. It’s just that they don’t let self-doubt convince them that they don’t belong or deserve to win.
Self-doubt will talk you out of doing anything outside of your comfort zone. Self-doubt isn’t the same as intuition, that inner critic in your head is trying to convince you to give up, here’s an idea spend more time planning for the best-case scenario rather than the worst-case scenario you are putting yourself in a position of power.
Just because you find yourself thinking “What if I get this wrong or I might look stupid,” you are not your thoughts, start reinforcing the courage and confidence “muscles” of your brain.